Sunday 28 July 2013

It's been a long time y'all

I promised I'd carry this on, I wasn't lying.

To 16 year old me,

I'm not going to lie to you, you're heading towards some serious shit over the next few years. You're going to have your heart broken several times in different ways, and it's not going to be easy to get over. Hell, some of it you'll never truly get over. All I can say to you is that shit happens, and there's not much you can do about it apart from carrying on with your life. Some advice I will impart though is  make use of the people around you whilst you can. If there's one thing I've learnt it's that it is easy to be independent when you've got a safety net, but remove that net and shit gets a lot more difficult. If you can nip a problem in the bud early on though you may as well. Sometimes things don't just go away with time; even if you think they will, you're not always right (though you do have a pretty good hit rate - jus' saying).
Alas, tis not all doom and gloom. You've also got some great things heading your way, just make the most of them whilst you can. And when you get an opportunity to do something, take it. No good story ever starts with "oh yeah, remember that time I stayed in...", unless you had a really fruitful wank (it happens). Also, make the most of every interaction you have. Even if it's with someone you know well or a random tramp you're rolling a cigarette for. You won't ever see some of these people again in your life, some you'll be good friends with currently but in a few years may not speak to at all. Guess in a roundabout way I'm just saying experience and enjoy life. Too much bad stuff happens in all of our lives and it can only be viewed as a learning curve, so when something good is happening/potentially happening make the most of it whilst you can.
Now get started on all that work I know you have you magnificent bastard. Also don't fuck up your A-Levels, and sort your work ethic out you dick.

Much love, me x


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